Thursday, March 17, 2011

Trills - Blue Metabolic Sunrise -- Out Now

Trills - Blue Metabolic Sunrise
$10 CD-R Digipak & Free Digital Download (coming soon)
Retronym Records
Artwork by Joseph Bastardo
1. Euphotic Zone
2. Joguko
3. Insular Movements
4. Erogenous
5. Blue Metabolic Sunrise
6. Zero-Gemini
7. 22 Deg Halo
8. Shutter Memory
9. Flect

The digipak is available to purchase now for $10. The free digital download will be available in a few weeks. With each purchase of the digipak will come a CD-R of improvised outtakes from the Blue Metabolic Sunrise sessions entitled 'Uncountable Snowflakes'.